Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Zoo Trip

Here are a few pictures from last Thursday's zoo trip.

The Dinosaur exhibit is back at the zoo. Kylie had fun walking up to each dinosaur and calmly announcing, "I'm not afraid of you."

We visited the new Butterfly exhibit. Kylie met this young man who won her heart when he gave her a crystal amethyst. I checked with his parents and they said it was okay. The two kids walked around discussing the pretty fairy houses and the few butterflies that were braving our cooler temperatures. I sat on a bench and listened to the tinkling music while keeping an eye on them. It was lovely. Kylie usually zooms through exhibits but because this young man was there with her, we stayed with the butterflies for over 20 minutes.

Kylie and I both love the blue manatee near the petting zoo.


She still loves the carousel. She wanted to ride the dolphin because now she wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up.



I caught this delighted smile when this bird crossed Kylie's path. She was sitting still and watching the otters swim. This bird walked by and right when it was in front of Kylie, it squawked and shook its feathers at her. She cooly raised on eyebrow at it and then started giggling.


After the zoo, Kylie dressed as a butterfly and did some dancing around. I managed this quick shot when she wasn't looking.
Dancing butterfly

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Wow, has she ever grown!!!! Love the pics.