Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It's Karen.

In beginning this whole, wonderful process towards bringing a baby into our lives, I have begun to do what I always do when a task starts...make a list! So, here you go - here's an excerpt from my "Having a Baby" checklist:
  1. A partner who I love and want to experience this great joy with. (check!)
  2. A healthy, willing and excited partner who will carry and nurture our little bundle of joy for the first 9 months of healthy development and growth. (check!)
  3. All the proper legal stuff in place to provide us the protections we need to be a "legal" family. This is all the stuff you straight folks take for granted, like being able to be in the hospital room with your partner during the birth, make decisions regarding health care (if needed) and so very much more. (in progress...)
  4. A physician/clinic who will provide the baby-making mechanism. I, unfortunately, cannot impregnate my beautiful partner so we will rely on modern science and heavenly assistance for making egg meet sperm. (check!)
  5. Sperm. Yup...can't make the baby without the little swimmers. (check!) Note: as of July 24, we have officially selected the competitors and they are standing by for their big debut!
  6. A credit card with a healthy limit. We hope to not come near the limit, but it all depends on how many attempts are needed by item 4 to get item 5 successfully fertilized with the egg from item 2. (check!)
  7. Love, excitement, hopes, prayers, and patience. (check, check, check, check and mostly check!) The patience part may be the hardest one but we'll do our best!
That's not the whole list, but it's most of the key things we need to get things rolling. We're so very excited and find it a quite surreal reality that we find ourselves in.

We will be hopefully optimistic that we'll find success as soon as possible and we ask that you send your thoughts, prayers and well-wishes along as we begin this journey.

- Karen

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