As I write this blog post, Karen is on a big ole plane to Denmark. She's speaking at a conference held outside of Copenhagen. She'll be there until Sunday night. The weather is supposed to be decent-- a slight possibility of rain and highs in the mid 50's and lows in the mid 40's. And she'll be hearing people speak like this.
I'm excited for her and all that she'll see and I'm a bit nervous about her being an ocean away from me. She's under strict orders to not be involved in any accidents or hospital visits.
We'll be corresponding by email rather than by phone which will be kind of interesting.
At least I have a project here at the house to work on. We're turning our guest bedroom into an office. Our house has a dining room located off the kitchen. Since we aren't formal dining kind of folks, we turned this large room into an office for both Karen and I. But this office is completely open. There are no doors and no way to shut out Little Miss Toddler.
Since Karen works from home when she's not traveling, we need to limit work-time interruptions. So we are changing the guest room into an office for Karen. I'll be selling our two twin beds, nightstand and propeller on Craigslist (don't you just love craigslist!). Then I'll be painting over our plane mural.
When we bought the house, it had been customized with a plane mural scene on the guest room walls.

The mural is lovely but we never really loved it like we did the mural in Kylie's room.
So I'll be painting it this week to make it a bit more like an office while Karen's gone. We bought an environmentally friendly paint with no VOC's. So hopefully there won't be any fumes to bother Kylie and I.
Anyway, please send Karen so good wishes for this trip. And send me good wishes that I won't go nuts while she's gone.
Good luck! It's hard to be on your own without a break. Here's to keeping your sanity!
Good luck! Do you have another spare room for grandparents when they come? What colour are you painting?
Delurking to say good luck to all of you. If you both have computers SKYPE is a really cool way to talk long distance without is costing an arm and a leg. It is good for computer to computer and computer to land lines (minimal cost for the landlines). Just a thought if you wanted to hear each others voices.
When Maggie's daddy traveled during the week and over a weekend, I tried to plan at least one fun outing each day. Mags and I really looked forward to each one, and it helped the time pass a lot faster. They were simple things and mostly free like going to the park, library for story time, long walks, nature trails, play dates, etc. You're creative so I know you'll come up with something fun.
Good luck and holler if we can help.
have fun with the new room!
I second the skype recommendation. When I was abroad for 3 months that's how my wife and I communicated. It was great and very inexpensive.
Don't you love projects? Good Luck and happy painting. Do you mind if I ask what Karen does for a living? Just curiosity.
Thanks to everyone for your comments.
to F: I'm painting the top portion of the walls a lovely cream/tan/manilla color. Unfortunately, we don't have another spare room so the grandparents will have to either sleep on an air mattress somewhere in the house (not likely) or stay at a nearby hotel.
to SJay:Karen is an Oracle Performance consultant and teacher. She makes slow databases run faster.
Hey, I don't remember if I've ever de-lurked here, but now I felt I just had to. (I've been reading since before Kylie was born)
I'm swedish, living in Berlin, Germany, but have also been living in Copenhagen. It was so funny to follow you link and hear spoken danish again!
There are some really yummy danish specialities that Karen should know about... For example is the Anthon Berg chocolate really good (my favourite is the marzipan bar). And I hope she has the time to go to a good Smørrebrød (very traditional open sandwich) restaurant!
I hope you have a good time when Karen is away, and that Karen has the opportunity for some free time in Copenhagen.
Take care,
Wow look at all your comments!
The plane room looks like it's out of a magazine. Make sure you take detailed pictures of the whole mural. It really is beautiful but I can see why you would want to change it.
Best of luck to you while she's gone! We both think it will be a good week of bonding between you and little curly locks :) We're looking forward to seeing the outcome of the room. Awesome that you went with environmentally safe paint with no VOC's.
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