So I like a bucket on my head. Ya gotta problem with that? I didn't think so.

I call the last 30 minutes of the day, "running it down". It's like she's got to expel the last bits of energy before she can wind down for sleep.

When she's not running around laughing with a bucket on her head, she's intently watching a Baby Einstein or Backyardigans DVD and feeding her dolls with a fake bottle.

Then she runs back and forth between me and Momma Karen to see which one of us can tickle or flip her the best.

Momma Karen is the best.

But finally Miss Kylie winds down enough to relax in our arms.

Then it's bath and bed for darling Kylie. We're so lucky. Kylie is asleep every night by 6pm.
6 pm? What time does she get up in the morning?!!!
Cute pictures. Riley also has a burst of energy at night and it's too funny.
Hi Stacey!
Kylie wakes up between 6:00 - 7:00am And she has one nap that starts around 10-10:30 and last for 1.5 -2 hours. We've tried pushing back her morning nap until later but she plays really hard in the morning and is ready to crash early.
BTW, I love that you are still reading our blog and I really appreciate your comments.
We read it everyday and love all the pictures of Kylie.
We would not miss any of it for the world!!!
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