She liked to smash flat the small balls that I made for her. And make finger holes.

And she really liked putting small bits into the container and then taking the bits back out. Over and over.

Of course, she wanted to sneak a bite. But mean ole Mommy wouldn't let her.

Yay for play-doh!

We also had fun with a cheap play tent that I bought for her. (Note- if you buy one of these, be sure to get one that has a bottom. The first one I got didn't and it kept collapsing on Kylie as she moved around.)

The tent was a huge hit with Kylie. Even the cats like it (they are romping around in it as I type this).

Tonight is one of those nights when I feel like I could just fall over from tiredness. So I'll leave you now with a couple of recent scrapbook pages. It looks like my Blogger template is going to cut part of these pages off, so click on them or the title if you want the full view.

blankets over babies

1 comment:
Your scrapbook pages are amazing! I haven't looked at your blog in quite some time. You have been VERY busy! Your daughter is absolutely beautiful! I was reading Ali Edwards blog and recognized Karen in one of the pages she has posted as an example for one of her templates. I was like... Hey! I know who that is! haha We've met a few times, but you may not remember me. I was at Heather's baby shower that you had at your house a couple years ago. Just wanted to say hi. :)
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