This photo was taken at my Nanny's house at Thanksgiving last year.
My weight was 185 pounds. I wore a size 18 in jeans and an extra large shirt.
I came home from that trip and seeing those pictures was shocking.
I called my Nanny and told her that I was going to lose some weight. She told me that was good because she was worried that I'd become diabetic. My Nanny was diagnosed with mild diabetes late in her life. From the moment she heard this, she never ate anything with sugar again. Never. She had amazing will power.
This was my last visit and last photo with Nanny. We exchanged letters and a phone calls. By the time she passed away in February, I had lost over twenty pounds and she was proud of me.
In the beginning, I exercised with my Wii gaming system. I did the Biggest Loser, EA Sports and Jillian Michaels workouts. I woke up at 5am, crawled down to the basement and did my workout as silently as possible as to not wake up Kylie. On some days, I would work out again at night. But I made it a point to get five workouts in per week.
I recorded everything I ate in the LoseIt app on my iPhone. I was determined to eat "normal" foods. I added more fruit, vegetables and grains to our weekly menus. I went through all of our favorite dinner recipes and calculated the calories and nutrition of each. That way, I knew the calories in our favorite chicken enchilada casserole dish or my usual pot of chili. I could calculate the appropriate portion based on the calories and plan for those calories in what I ate for breakfast and lunch.
Later, I added in some running. Even running in the rain and snow in that horrible winter in DC. And then I joined Gold's Gym and started running on their treadmill in the evenings and on the weekends.
My goal was to lose 45 pounds by Kylie's birthday (between November and April). And I achieved that goal be weighing in at 140 on April 17th.
In May, when we moved to Florida, I immediately found a gym and kept up with my running on treadmills. But in July, I started to feel stagnant. I had maintained my weight at 140 for four months but I felt like I could so very easily slip back into old eating patterns and gain back the weight. So I decided to take on the challenge of running 13.1 miles.
The intensity of these training runs was exactly what I needed. I never ever thought I would run a race much less one with 13 miles. But training for my first half-marathon has been a blast. And I dropped eight more pounds.
I now weigh 132 pounds. I wear a size 8 in jeans and a medium in tshirts.

I'm already looking ahead to what is next for me. I started lap swimming in the pool this week. And after the race, I plan to do add upper body weight lifting when I'm at the gym and join a fun cardio class as well as keep up with my runs.
Thanks to you my dear readers for all of your support. My big half marathon race is on Sunday! I'll let you know how I did!
Wow, that's incredible! You have some pretty strong willpower yourself! Congratulations!
Congratulations and good luck! Now that the bug has bitten you, if you stagnate again, maybe look at spinning and then triathlon? I did my first one last year and I loved the training and everything! Cycling is one of my biggest passions and so much easier on your body.
Good luck!
Wow - congratulations! You let a photo "leak" a few weeks ago that sort of hinted to your successes. C is right - your will power is amazing too. Good luck on the 1/2 marathon!
Wendy, not only do you look incredibly happy, and well, you look so much younger!!! I am really inspired by your persistence and success. Last winter, I participated in my work's biggest loser competition. I won by losing 42 pounds in 12 weeks. I've gained 20 back :(
My Mom has diabetes and I just want to be a better example for my kids. Tough fight for me, but I know it's worth fighting.
I'm so proud of what you've accomplished. Good luck on the race.
YOu are beautiful - inside and out- and I can see the JOY radiating in your smile! CONGRATULATiONS on an amazing accomplishment - life change- and healthy lifestyle!!!
Wow, Wendy, you are AMAZING! You should be so proud of yourself, and we are all proud of you, too. This is an amazing accomplishment and I love that you have new goals to start working towards after the half marathon. Go girl!
Congratulations and good luck on Sunday!
You look amazing! You're such an inspiration. Good luck on sunday!
That is incredible and inspiring! You look amazing! Good luck to you!!
what a great inspiration you are :)
Wow, that's incredible! Great job on all the weight loss thus far and much success to you during your race this comming weekend.
Pardon me while I pick my jaw up off the floor... WOW!!!! You are an inspiration. Good luck on Sunday, I'll be cheering you on from New York!
Wow wow wow!!! I want to be you!
Holy cow! Way to go... I often look at my pictures and cringe. I'm the biggest I've ever been and have the hardest time staying motivated. But, you've inspired me!
you totally inspired me to get my act together. I was wondering you know how you post the bentos for kylie can you share your weekly menu for me? If I have a plan to follow its so helpfull. Keep up the great progress.
AMAZING job, Wendy!! You have done amazing things! I know we will be seeing more soon. Best of luck on your first half. Enjoy it because you only get one first!! I can't wait to read how you did!! - Mallory
you look incredible Wendy. You have inspired me to try harder. thank you so much
You look amazing!!!
WOW! You have the willpower of your nanny. You look beautiful/healthy/happy.
you look great!!!! Congraulations!!!!Good luck in the race!!!
OMG I have tears in my eyes. You are an inspiration. Such hard work. Good for you. I NEED to do this too.
Wow...you look fabulous. Good for you for sticking with it. I hope that your race went well...you are a rock star!
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