I've discovered something quite odd. I can't find any pediatrician listed in any of my gay-friendly advertising sources.
Our pediatrician's office is closing their doors. So I'm trying to find a replacement doctor's office.
I first checked our PLOP (Parenting Lesbians of Portland) online resource page. - nothing.
Then I checked our Q Center's online resources- nope.
I looked at the online version of "Just Out" magazine. Nothing.
Then I looked in my Portland's Gay & Lesbian Community Yellow pages. Nada.
And then I tried a bunch of google searches. Not one doctor's office is listed.
What's up with that?
Now, if I want to find a real estate agent, an attorney, or an accountant, I have lots of choices. Many of these professionals advertise as gay or gay-friendly. But I can't find one single pediatrician.
Part of me thinks that I should just pick a nearby office. So many professionals that we've encountered are incredibly welcoming and kind to me and Karen. That's one of the awesome things about Portland.
But yesterday, I stopped by a nearby doctor's office to see if they were accepting new patients and if they took my insurance. And the receptionist was (pardon me here) a complete bitch.
I don't know if she was having a bad day or what. But her end of our short conversation was filled with venom. She did everything but shoot darts at me to get me to leave that office. My hands were shaking as I quickly walked out. And then I wondered. Was she just having a really bad afternoon? Does she not like Southerners? Or did I just look sooooo gay and she hated that and wanted to shoo me away.
It didn't help that I've just gotten a very short haircut. I felt like my head looked like a cue ball. I looked very spiky/dykey yesterday.
So after that yucky experience, I just want to insulate myself from any gay-hating people. I want to know that if the receptionist is being a bitch, that's she just having a bitchy day and that she's not a gay-hating bitch. I just want to know that I'm safe going to the doctor's office. I don't want to feel anxious. Because when I get nervous, Kylie gets nervous and that is the last thing I want for her doctor's appointments.
So, calling all you gay-friendly pediatricians. Come out of the closet. Portland is full of lesbian moms that want your services. Please do us a favor and make it a little easier for us to find you.
Lastly, if you live near me and like your pediatrician, please send me their contact information.