I had a bicycle wreck yesterday.
I went out for a fast 10-mile ride after swim practice yesterday. I had biked halfway and was heading home. I was on the right side of the road, going with the traffic, in my biking lane. There was a car in oncoming traffic. Without slowing her speed or signaling or anything, the woman darted her car in front of me to make a left-hand turn. If I had been a car, we surely would have crashed.
I braked really hard and for a moment I thought I was clear. Then my bike went into a skid and bam! I was down. The woman didn't even stop and I know she saw me fall.
I knew I was pretty banged up but I also knew that I hadn't broken anything. I checked my bike and it seemed fine other than my grip tape was completely shredded on the right side. So I shook it off and pedaled five miles home. By the time I got home, my wounds were throbbing.
I had really messed up right elbow (it may look like a smile but it's so fake. I was completely pissed at that driver),
had a scratched and bruised knee,
a goose egg on my side, a black-and-blue bruise on my right butt cheek and sore hands from where I squeezed the brakes with all my might.
Karen was working from home and helped me wash out the wounds and ice everything. We did the best we could in cleaning it (with me screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs) but we decided that I needed to go to the walk-in clinic near the house to make sure I got all the rock and grit out of my elbow. I also needed a tetanus shot since it had been over ten years since I had one. So Karen picked Kylie up from school while I went to the doctor.
The funny thing is that I was all excited to share my biking success with you at the end of the month in my monthly triathlete post. I went back to my bike shop to have them work on my fit. They moved my bike seat forward a very small amount...seriously, it was less than half an inch. But that slight adjustment made a huge difference. Last month on my rides, I was at an average of 12.5mph and my max speed was 15. After the bike fit adjustment, I had a 25 mile ride and my average speed was 14.5mph and my max speed was 17.5. I took 20 minutes off my 25 mile time! I was so dang thrilled.
So yesterday, when I made the turn to go home, I had a light tailwind and I told myself, "Let's get this speed up to 17 and see if you can hold it there until you get home."
So I was going 17mph when I went down.
I could have been so much worse. I keep reminding myself of this. I was so very lucky.
Here's a shot of the elbow this morning.
One last thing, scroll back up to the top picture and look at my left, uninjured wrist. You can barely see a black bracelet there. It's my
Road ID. It has my name and emergency contact numbers. In case I'm out running or biking and I'm knocked unconscious, this id bracelet will tell emergency workers who I am. If you are a biker or runner (or just can't remember phone numbers when you are stressed like little ole me), you might want to get one.