Kylie has been sick with a cold for the last few days. She stayed home with me rather than go to school on Wednesday and Thursday. She's wanted to stay in her nightgown and hang out on the couch while watching way too much tv. She's had tons of juice, water and popsicles. She's gone through a box of tissues.
Caring for Kylie when she is sick is bittersweet. She can be so loving--wanting me to pat her hot face with my cool hands and read her story after story. Then again she can be so reactive--flying off the handle and having tantrums over unpredictable things. I hope she feels better soon. And I'm thanking my lucky stars that she hasn't been sick since we moved here. I'm also feeling very grateful for her pre-school. I've been quickly reminded how tiring it is to entertain Kylie all day.
On Wednesday, I was folding laundry and Kylie (dressed in her mermaid outfit) came and stole a sock from the clean laundry pile. She ran away, wanting me to chase her. I caught this video of our shenanigans. She's very ticklish under her armpits and on the back of her legs near her bottom (as you'll hear as you play the video).
I was able to finish a knitted pillowcase cover that I've been working on for a while. I haven't decided if I'm going to put buttons or a zipper or nothing at all on the open end. I did a cabled pattern for the front and a textured pattern for the back. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Stay tuned for news about Kylie's School Halloween Celebration.
That pillow is very cool! Impressive!
Aww.. feel better Kylie!
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