Saturday, October 07, 2006

We won! (no...not the lottery)

Our home town boys beat the dawgs 51-33 tonight....yea! We watched the whole game and loved the high scoring. I called my folks back in TN late in the 4th quarter after TN intercepted a pass to pretty much put the game away and got to share the yippees with my dad. My dad loves (I really mean l-o-v-e) TN football! He was an usher at the stadium for every home game for around 30 years and only stopped doing it a couple of years ago. I think I told you before that TN football is some kind of genetically inbred condition of pretty much anyone born and raised in east I come by my addiction honestly!

At one point after a great score, the TN band started playing the fight song (Rocky Top) and I reached over and gave the biscuit a pat and made sure the song was identified clearly for her/him. Our child may be born and raised in Oregon, but I'll be willing to bet that there'll be a little part of TN hardwired in---particularly the part of TN that is related to football Saturday's!

Go V*ls!

- Karen



Anonymous said...


I love your post! I am originally from Georgia and my partner is from Memphis, so ours is a house divided during the game. We now live in Portland, Oregon with our 3 month old daughter. She already has bulldog gear, but I guess after that rout she will proudly wear the orange.

Love your blog,


Anonymous said...

Laura is a HUGE Tenn fan. She loves Pat Summitt and the womens basketball team. She is always glued to the tv during March madness.

Jonny said...

Hello guys!

What can you tell me about this interesting lottery activity? Powerball results in USA ? Please answer me as quickly as possible!