Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I should have had that nap

Wendy here. I'm beginning to lose my mind. Instead of putting my fork into the dishwasher, I threw it away in the trash. Sigh.



Michele (Moosh) said...
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Michele (Moosh) said...

OK, I literally laughed out loud when I read your blog. I guess I should mention that I found sour milk in the cupboard at 10 weeks.... *blush*

Hi. I'm Michele. I found you from Babycakes and then I saw you post on Life in the Soupbowl. I was Carrie's egg donor and was kind of shocked to see you there! What a small blogging world this is. :-) I live in Sherwood, you're in Beaverton? I'm there every Sunday for church!

Just wanted to wish you luck with the pregnancy and I'm very excited to have another blog to follow! If I can ever help in any way, I'm close by!!! :-)

Michele (Moosh) said...

Sorry, that was my delete...and I can't even blame it on pregnancy brain... Ay ay ay...

Stacey said...

LOL! That is too funny. Don't worry, we're all losing our minds...

Besides, I did something similar when not pregnant. While on a camping trip in California, I threw out our toiletries in the dumpster instead of the bag of trash in my hand. Had to get our hotdog wires to fish it out. Oh fun times. ;)

Anonymous said...

Another Sherwood blogger, how strange and weird!