Friday, September 01, 2006

Waiting is not our forte

Wendy and I decided to run some errands this afternoon and ended up going to a local baby/kids store named Segal's to test drive some strollers. On our way outta there, Wendy asked: "How long ago did I find out I was pregnant?". After a bit of date math, I responded: "You got a for sure positive on Aug. 19 so you found out 13 days ago". "Oh...that's not very long, is it?", she says. "Nope, many people don't even know they're pregnant at this point!", I say.

13 days. That's all that has passed since we knew W was pregnant. And yet, it seems like an eternity ago! How is that? Wendy is anxious about the arrival (or non-arrival as the case is at present) of nausea. I've truly never thought anyone would wish to get sick, but she's really wanting to be sick so she'll "know" she's really pregnant. It's hard waiting...

We've avoided Babies R Us this week but have been researching all kinds of things - from strollers to cribs and more - online. Our trip to Segal's today was a result of our internet research about strollers and we wanted to go try out a few in person. We've decided that by Christmas (when W will be around 22 weeks or so) we'll have picked out and bought most all the big stuff - car seat, stroller, baby's room furniture, mom's rocker/glider - and probably have a real good dent made in all the rest of the baby items on our list. It was actually a bit hard for me today to not just buy the stroller! It's hard waiting...

We are not very good at waiting! We research, plan, organize, and do! Once we get something on our minds it doesn't take us very long to do or get it. That's where this process is different. Pregnancy - from trying to get pregnant all the way through the birth - is all about waiting.

We didn't even wait to tell people we are pregnant. We're certainly not members of the wait until after 12 weeks to tell club. We are making ourselves wait on most of the "big" things until we find out the baby's gender but I can't tell you how much we want to go out and start hauling stuff home! It's hard waiting...

Are we alone in this? I don't really think so, but I'm feeling we're probably on the far end of the can't wait spectrum. There are so many things we all wait for during our quest to bring a baby into our lives. And so many of the waits are nerve-wracking so this portion of the waiting perhaps shouldn't be so "hard"...but waiting is waiting and's hard waiting....

- Karen



M. said...

We bought our crib several months before we were even pg since we knew what we wanted and it was on sale. It did become a bit sad to look at it over the months though. But now that we're pg, we're excited to get stuff together. I can't wait to put the nursery together, but first we have to decide on the decorations theme we will use. The getting ready for the baby part is so fun!

Also, I understand how time is so weird. I feel like we've been expecting forever now, when it's only been a little over 5 weeks. On the other hand, I freak out a bit to think we'll have a baby in 7 months!

Stacey said...

We got most of our stuff before we even conceived. Since we have been pregnant, 15w 3D we have stopped buying things and are waiting for find out the sex of the baby and we have started to save for a van!!

So no you are not alone.